Families and their Pets

By Catherine V. Testaratti

Getting a pet can be a big step for any family. What if you are a person who lives alone or a family that loves to take vacations? These are important things to consider before you make that important decision.

I bet we have all known people who have decided to get a dog before children just to see if they can handle that commitment. Well, pets can end up being with you a lot longer. Well, unless the run away or you decide you can't handle the responsibility that comes with having a pet.

I don't think people think about how long of a commitment it is to raise a cat or dog. Some can live 20+ years. That's sometimes longer than our children stay with us and you are feeding your pet, taking them to the doctor and boarding them when you take a vacation.

At least with children, there comes a time when they can stay on their own. Then they move away and go to college, eventually marrying and finally starting their own life with someone else. Well, I know that children do come and go and are always going to need us to some extent, but cat's and dog's can't survive without us.

So looking back on the idea of a pet to see how you would handle the responsibility of children might make you second-guess that decision right? We love our pets unconditionally and they bring us great companionship. But had we thought about the long-term responsibility we were going to have with a pet, we might have thought twice.

I have grown to love our cats and they are a great comfort to me in this quiet house. Little did I know when my daughter begged and pleaded for a pet that she would not take them when she moved out. She has gone on to college, loves her carefree life, and I am hiring someone to watch them so I can take a vacation.

Funny when you think about it. We look to those years when are kids become independent and head off to start their lives, little did we know that we were going to be here all alone with their pets. I find it kind of ironic but at the same time, it's a nice thing to have the pets here to keep us company now that the kids are gone.

All our pets desire is food, affection and a warm lap to sit in. Love your pets like you've loved your children and they will be there for you when the kids have come and gone. They are all gifts and we can't keep them forever, but we are lucky enough to have them for a time and that is the true gift.

Which brings us to the original questions; are you ready for a pet. I think the better question should be are the parents. This lifelong commitment is one that you will carry long after your children are gone but is also a commitment that can continue to give love in those quiet times and that's the best thing of all. - 31975

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