Puppy Teeth Cleaning - How to Do It Effectively

By Geraldine Dimarco

Dog teeth cleaning is something which should become a daily part of your routine of caring for your pet. Just like us, dogs can develop tooth disease; making it very important to make sure that you care for your pet's health by keeping their teeth clean and tartar free.

Dental Health and Hygiene in Dogs

Dogs can be subject to the same diseases of the mouth, gums and teeth as can their owners. Since you dog has no way of telling you that is has a toothache, dog owners must take care to look after the dental health of their dog. An untreated tooth infection can lead to very serious problems with your pets' vital organs.

You dog's diet has a real impact on their dental health. Dog food and treats which are fortified and made specifically to keep your dogs' teeth in good shape are a healthy choice for your pet. While you can have your dogs' teeth cleaned by your vet, this is very expensive and since your dog must be anesthetized for this to be done, can actually be dangerous for your pet! Professional cleaning should only be done in extreme cases.

Getting Your Pet Used to Dog Teeth Cleaning

With patience and perseverance, you can get your dog to become comfortable with tooth brushing. You adult dog or puppy can learn to have their teeth brushed by using your finger and a canine favorite; peanut butter!

Your pet will lick your finger (and the peanut butter). You can start rubbing their teeth and gums while praising your dog. After a few days you r dog will become accustomed to this and you can start trying it with a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger. Rub the teeth and gums with your finger just as you would with a toothbrush. When your dog gets used to this procedure, you can start using a real toothbrush.

You should not use toothpaste which is made for humans, as this will cause your dog to have an upset stomach. There is toothpaste designed for dogs which have a taste and smell which appeal to your pet. Let your dog lick a little off of the brush and then add more and start brushing.

You'll need to lift up your dogs' gums to be able to reach their upper teeth -the canines especially. To get the best results, hold the brush at a 45 degree angle; this lets you clean teeth and gums simultaneously. Use a circular motion and pay special attention to your pets' back teeth, which are especially subject to tooth disease.

Make dog teeth cleaning a happy occasion for your dog. Keep low key to prevent your dog from getting too excited to hold still. You should only need abut a minute to get your dogs' teeth clean and make sure that they stay healthy and happy. - 31975

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Dog Health Symptoms Information

By Jennefer Poultson

When you are concerned, making sure that you are looking the right dog health symptoms can tell you a lot of important information about your dog's health and what you need to do about it. If you are a concerned pet owner you may find yourself wondering if your dog is experiencing something normal, or if he is having a problem that might need immediate veterinary attention. If you are worried about your dog, take a look at some basic things to watch out for.

When considering dog health symptoms, remember that the best thing that you can do to be attentive to your dog's normal behavior. The better you know your dog, the better off you will be when it comes to trying to help him heal. Think about whether your dog is outgoing and patient or more nervous and restive. You'll find that a change in behavior can signify a great deal. For instance, if your dog is typically very friendly but has gone into hiding and whines at being petted, this could be a sign that he is in trouble.

When it comes to dog health blood in urine is something that you should keep an eye out for. This can be be an indication of kidney disease or kidney failure, and as such, requires immediate veterinary assistance. If you notice that there is blood in your dog's urine, you'll find that you should take him to the veterinarian immediately. Quick action at this point can save your dog's life, so don't delay.

Another common complaint among pet owners is vomiting. Dogs will do this mildly when they have eaten something that does not agree with them. Like the time my mini-pin ate a battery. However if you notice repeated vomiting with fever or pain symptoms it is more than likely a health issue. Nausea and vomiting can be a sign of stomach ulcers or a more serious ailment. No matter the cause, the effect on your pets' health can be devastating since she could dehydrate very quickly. In severe cases, pets have died from dehydration.

When looking for symptoms of poor health in your dog do not overlook their coat. A dogs coat should feel thick and look relatively glossy. If you reach down to pet your dog and find that the coat is oddly dry and brittle or there are bald patches you should check into the cause. One common cause of a bad coat is worms; this parasite robs the dog of nutrition and therefore leaves the coat unhealthy. Of course, if you have a dog whose hair is naturally coarse, like a wirehaired terrier then this rule does not apply.

These are only a few basic health problems that your dog might be facing, so take the time to figure out what is normal for your dog and what is not; this is the best way to figure out how healthy he is! - 31975

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Tips On Canine Training

By Dave Quaid

When considering adding a new dog to the home, there are many factors to think about. When making this new addition, make sure to prepare for proper training and have the right tools on hand to make the transition easier for the puppy and yourself. While it's possible to train a dog yourself, for those without experience in dog ownership a dog training course with your puppy will be well worth the investment.

If you already have a dog, perhaps you have seen the show "It's Me or the Dog" and thought - that sounds like me! If your dog is running your house, perhaps you should consider dog training school. Many times dogs misbehave not because they are bad, but because the owners don't know how to train them properly. Investing in a training program for you and your pooch will create a happy and peaceful relationship.

What are the biggest reasons you should choose dog training school as opposed to doing it yourself?

Often, pet owners get caught in a power struggle with their dog. Learning the right body language, tone of voice, and reward system for your dog are essential to keep you in control. Owning a dog is like being a parent, and some well given advise can save the day.

Dog training also allows dogs to learn how to socialize with other people and other dogs. Learning how to behave around others is imperative when taking your dog out. A dog obedience course provides friendships for both dogs and their owners.

Owners who take a class with their dogs with a formal setting will be learning commands in the ultimate environment. Here, the instructor knows how to teach the owner to "speak dog" and use body language that will get the appropriate responses. Often times there are simple things that work well with dogs that the general public might not know. Having an instructor handy will give them the opportunity to watch how well you work with your dog, and to give you pointers to correct things.

By working in a classroom environment, the dog will be learning commands with distractions. While this may initially seem like a disadvantage, it actually makes it better. The skill sets will be remembered easier at home once the distractions are removed. This is more effective than trying to get a dog to remember his manners with distractions, when he has only learned them in a controlled environment.

Taking your dog through obedience training will provide a satisfying relationship. A well trained dog is more secure, better behaved, and confident. Being able to trust the owner and expectations will provide a long lasting relationship with your loyal friend. Dogs that have been through obedience training are safer around friends and children, while preventing unacceptable behaviors.

A dog that is trained well will allow you to fully enjoy the benefits of dog ownership. Dogs will also give fringe benefits as well - lower incidences of illness, a source of exercise, and an outlet for social interaction. This benefits both owner and dog! - 31975

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Dog Bad Breath - What to Do About It

By Geraldine Dimarco

Dog teeth cleaning should be something which is done regularly as a part of your pet care routine. If possible, your dog's teeth should be brushed daily, or least every other day. Dogs are just as susceptible as we are to tooth disease, so it is important to make sure that our dog's teeth are kept clean and free of tartar.

Dental Health and Your Dog

Dogs can be subject to the same diseases of the mouth, gums and teeth as can their owners. Since you dog has no way of telling you that is has a toothache, dog owners must take care to look after the dental health of their dog. An untreated tooth infection can lead to very serious problems with your pets' vital organs.

Your dog's diet definitely has a direct effect on their dental health. Choosing foods and treats that are fortified and designed to keep their teeth and gums healthy are an easy way to implement dental hygiene into your dog's life. Although professional cleaning by a veterinarian is an option, this should only be considered in extreme cases as unnecessarily having your dog anesthetized is not only expensive, but it also puts undue stress on your pet.

Cleaning Your Dog's Teeth

Even if your dog is no longer a puppy you can train them to accept having their teeth brushed with some patience and perseverance. Both dogs and puppies alike can be acclimated to having the toothbrush in their mouths simply by starting out using your finger and a dab of peanut butter.

Your dog will lick your finger - this will let you start rubbing their teeth and gums. Be sure to offer plenty of praise while you do this. Soon, your dog will be used to this and you can move on to a finger wrapped in gauze. Rub the teeth and gums in a circular motion, just as you would with a toothbrush. When your pet becomes accustomed to this, you're ready to move in to the real thing.

You should not use toothpaste which is made for humans, as this will cause your dog to have an upset stomach. There is toothpaste designed for dogs which have a taste and smell which appeal to your pet. Let your dog lick a little off of the brush and then add more and start brushing.

Lift the sides of your dog's gums so you can access their upper teeth, aptly called the canines, and hold the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle for the best results. This allows you to clean the gum line as well as the teeth to keep the gums equally as healthy. Brushing two to three teeth at a time, brush in a circular motion anywhere from eight to ten times or so in order to get each area clean. A dog's upper back teeth tend to be the most susceptible to decay and periodontal disease, so if anything, focus your efforts there first.

Make dog tooth cleaning time a happy time for your dog. Stay calm so your dog won't get too excited. It should only take about a minute a day for effective dog teeth cleaning and maintain their good health. - 31975

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Do You Need a Dog Health Diagnosis?

By Geraldine Dimarco

Holistic dog health is quickly becoming the way for owners to make sure that their beloved pets have a reliable dog health diagnosis for any health issue that arises, and that they remain healthy and playful, and that they live long, happy, and full lives.

Perhaps the most important aspect for a dog's health would be a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to make sure the joints, organs, and digestive systems make work in harmony. The skin and coat of your dog is probably the first sign either of health or illness in a dog. A great diet for your pet dog is holistic in approach, with meals consisting primarily, though not exclusively, of meat. The most important thing is to avoid processed foods.

Once you have a dog health diagnosis, you can go the conventional treatment way, or use a combination of various essential oils, flowering essences, plant extracts, and certain herbs. You can consult with a holistic veterinarian, or you could do your own research on holistic dog health care and run your ideas past your vet before embarking upon a holistic treatment regime. These ancient healing practices have in recent years found their way into pet care and are now becoming increasingly popular as more and more dog owners are looking for safer, healthier, and less invasive alternatives to treating their pets.

Calendula and chamomile may be recommended for promoting the healing of wounds, with the latter often being used for the treatment of respiratory ailments also. If your dog is suffering from constipation or a bowel disorder, crushed flaxseed mixed with plenty of water may be helpful. Dry, itchy skin, can be soothed with oats, and if your dog is having trouble sleeping, you may well find that lavender essential oil may help your to relax fall asleep just as well as it will work for yourself if you suffer from insomnia.

Ask your veterinarian for his or her input and recommendations when it comes to holistic dog health and using all-natural remedies for their care, but if your vet is not open to alternative health methods, do your own research, and you might even want to consider switching to a vet who is more open to alternative methods.

In recent years, thousands of veternarians have made holistic dog health diagnosis a greater part of their practice. A vet practicing holistic pet medicine cares for the whole animal instead of just finding a specific problem and prescribing a single therapy for that particular trauma or disorder.

For example, your dog has suddenly come down with a red, irritating rash and has started losing some fur. A "regular" vet would most likely prescribe a topical ointment and an antibiotic medication to stop the infection and itching.

While a "regular" vet would probably prescribe an antibiotic to treat most skin irritations and infections, as well as a topical ointment to address the itching, a holistic veterinarian will probably place more emphasis on finding out what could have caused the rash to occur in the first place, which, of course, was the root of the infection. With holistic care, the dog's indoor and outdoor environment, his daily lifestyle, eating habits and nutritional intake are all taken into consideration before attempting to diagnose or treat the animal. - 31975

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Bed Bug Detection For Your Home

By Jack Hanley

Prior to World War II bed bugs were common in the United States. Then with the introduction of DDT, bed bugs were almost completely eradicated in the U. S. Although they did remain in other parts of the world. Since DDT has been banned (for good reasons) bed bugs are becoming more common once again in the States. Their rise has made it important that you know the signs of bed bugs and about bed bug detection.

Bed bugs are approximately the size and somewhat lighter in color than an apple seed. They live in beds, sofas, and practically any upholstered furniture that will allow them to sneak out in the dark to enjoy the only thing that they eat human or animal blood. As soon as they finish their meal, the scurry back into hiding until the next night.

Bed bugs can travel into your home by means of your clothing, luggage or used furniture. They may have found their way onto your person at the office or at a movie theater. Once one bug gets into your home she may lay hundreds of eggs over her lifetime. Her offspring may also reproduce many other bugs. In a short time your entire home may become infested. With bed bugs, keeping a clean home does not seem to matter. All bed bugs need is a meal on your blood. If you are not available, they will feast on your pets. Try to put all clothing that has been in a hotel room immediately into the laundry. Store luggage sealed in plastic bags away from your bedroom until the next trip.

Once a home is fully infested with bugs, you may note a foul musty odor. There are dogs that have been trained to detect bed bugs by their smell that are often used in hotels. There are also other signs that you can look for that will get the problem under control before it becomes a full fledged infestation.

Since bed bugs like to hide during the daytime, it is important that you check out cracks and creases on the bed. Look along rails and behind the headboard. Look for rusty or brown colored stains on mattresses and bedding to be sure that you do not have a problem with bed bugs.

You may also see signs such as discarded skins or egg shells. Your box spring has many hiding places where the bugs can hide. Most of their lives may be spent inside the springs hidden by the mesh dust cover.

If you find bed bugs in your home, you should take immediate action to get rid of them. Wearing insect repellent will not stop the bugs from biting you. One possible method is to encase infested mattresses and box springs in specially made plastic enclosures that zip shut so the bugs cannot escape. Without meals of blood, they will die.

Many people feel that it is simpler to discard of an infested bed and replace it, however, you must also remove all clutter from the room and be sure that the bugs have been removed from the home before bring in a new bed that will also become infested. - 31975

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Learn More About Invisible Dog Fences

By Jammeson Tyler Davidmire

If you are having a problem with your dog constantly running away, whether they are wandering into th neighbors yard and making a mess or just disappearing randomly, there is a tool that can help you train your pet to stay put and keep them from running away. This amazing dog training tool is called an electric or wireless dog fence.

How does this invisible fence work? It will simply teach your do where it is and isn't acceptable to play. By teaching your pet their boundaries you will be keeping them safe. You will also be teaching them that it is important to obey the rules that your set for them.

A perk, for your pet, of these invisible fences is that they will not have to be leashed. After all, how much fun and running can they do if they are constantly being snagged by a cumbersome leash. This device will keep them on your property without keeping them tied down.

How much will you need to spend on a sophisticated train tool like this one? Wireless dog fences run anywhere from just under a hundred dollars to quite a few hundred. The difference in price depends on the quality. You may also need to buy a more expensive invisible fence if you have a larger property as those with a wider range are a bit more pricey.

What exactly is an invisible dog fence. Well it is a simple device that is comprised of two main parts, the transmitter and the receivers. The transmitter is a simple device that broadcasts a specific signal and the receivers receive that signal. The receiver then sits on a dog collar that you place around your pet's neck like any traditional collar.

Whenever your dog run off and tries to leave your property they will hear a warning sound. This warning is to let them know that they are playing where they shouldn't be playing. If they continue to disobey your rules they will receive a correction. This is a painless, more of a loud snap, way to let them no that it isn't acceptable to go any further. They will then turn back and the learning process will begin.

You can have your invisible dog fence up and running in just a few minutes. Simply, turn on the transmitter and turn on the receivers and place them on your pets. There is no need to place the transmitter anywhere in particular as the signal, like radio waves, can not be distorted by walls or doors. It's that simple.

Here is what can be expected by using a wireless dog fence. Your pets will learn their boundaries with little to no supervision. You will be able to let your dogs roam freely around your property without worrying about them running off or getting hurt. You may notice that your pets are more well behaved and more receptive to your commands.

There is something else you may notice while using the electric dog fence and that is that over time your pet will no longer wander near the edges of your property. This means that the training is working and you may soon no longer even need to put the receiver on your pet when you let them out to play. Your dog or dogs will truly be trained. - 31975

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Naural Arthritis Remedy - MSM for Dogs

By Jennefer Poultson

Dog arthritis can be caused by injury, congenital defects, or ageing. Surprisingly, injury is a major cause of arthritis in dogs, and therefore affects many younger dogs. Quite minor injuries can result in the condition. A predisposition to conditions such as hip dysplasia can cause early onset of an arthritic condition in dogs. Older dogs who have never suffered an injury are likely to develop arthritis as they age.

There are different types of dog arthritis, just as with the human arthritis condition. The problem is an inflammation in one or more joints. This can be caused by an inflammation either in the cartilage in the joint or a problem with the joint's synovial fluid. In dogs, the most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, infective arthritis, immune mediated arthritis and idiopathic arthritis.

Dog arthritis begins as a gradual limpness in the affected limb or limbs and may progress to lameness. An advanced case will reveal itself as a dog that is less active in play, on walks and generally has difficulty walking. The stiffness and pain are more likely to be pronounced in the morning or after a nap ? when the dog has been sleeping in the same position for some time. During the day when the dog is most active, the pain is generally minimal.

An arthritic dog will usually experience pain when their legs are touched near the inflamed joint. The will usually be swelling in this area, but it may not be visible to an unaided eye.

There is arthritis medicine for dogs that will help treat the inflammation. However, many dog owners find that natural treatments for arthritis in dogs are more helpful. Glucosamine for dogs and MSM for dogs are two popular natural ingredients for dog arthritis treatments (and arthritis treatments for humans, as well). In fact, many experts are of the view that there are three essential ingredients for an effective natural arthritis treatment - glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM.

Glucosamine is naturally occurring in the body (it is an amino sugar). The process of aging tends to reduce the body's capacity to produce this important sugar. Not found in any important food source, Glucosamine can be derived from the shells of shellfish. Its anti-inflammatory properties can be helpful in treating osteoarthritis both in humans and in animals.

Many times, just a change in diet can be enough to treat the symptoms of arthritis in dogs. Especially in tandem with exercise, diet can relieve arthritis in many dogs. Just as in humans, obesity can lead to arthritis. If the animal is kept at a healthy weight, then much of the pain of arthritis will simply disappear.

However, arthritis remedies of various sorts may be needed along with a change of diet in order to manage the pain and other symptoms of dog arthritis. - 31975

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Dogs and Kidney Disease

By Geraldine Dimarco

A serious and common disease affecting a number of dogs is kidney disease. In older dogs it is probably one of the leading causes of death. Acute or chronic are the two forms that this disease can take. While the acute form happens very suddenly the chronic form starts slowly and gets worse with time. For the owner getting the news of either one is an upsetting thing.

This disease causes a loss of approximately seventy percent of normal kidney function and it is these organs that act as the body's filtration system. If these do not work properly, toxins and waste products slowly build up in the blood. This can lead to a variety of problems, and sadly, eventual death. This unfortunately is the harsh reality of canine kidney disease.

Kidney failure in dogs stops the ability of the body to function properly. Toxins begin to build up in their bodies and once this starts, a number of symptoms and warning signs will more than likely become apparent. These two chronic diseases show different symptoms, the acute form can appear more suddenly. Often, dogs suffering from this type of kidney disease will possibly have become dehydrated. For the owner to test for hydration, gently pull on the skin of your dog's stomach. This should spring back. If it doesn't, there may be a possibility that your dog is dehydrated.

Another telltale sign of the acute kidney disease is the extreme reduction or total stoppage of urine. Your dog would suddenly stop urinating. It is a very excruciating process as the kidneys become quite painful. This is the most obvious sign. You would notice your pet's arched back or stiff leg movement. In such a case, you would need to rush your precious pet to a veterinarian immediately.

There are different symptoms shown with chronic kidney disease. Where they would usually gulp food they may begin to show signs of a decrease in appetite so drastic they do not want to eat. They could even stop eating all together. Weight loss will occur in time. An increase in thirst and the amount of water they drink will increase which is one of the first warning signs that the disease has begun. This signs are common with the condition. There may be an increase in the frequency of urination as the dog can lose bladder control. In some cases urination can become painful and often impossible with blood showing up in the urine. Any signs of urine symptoms, vomiting, lethargic or depressed in your pet should be treated as a warning sign and you should call your vet immediately since canine kidney disease is serious and can be deadly. It could be possible to get control over the disease if it is caught soon enough.

If the veterinarian suspects kidney disease he will usually follow four steps to decide if the dog has the disease or not. A thorough physical examination is what he will normally do first. The dogs relevant history will be gone over with the owner next, things such as their home behavior and symptoms. A blood test and urinary test are the two steps he will take after the first two steps are done. Both tests have to be done to make sure of a correct diagnosis. Whether or not your dog has acute or chronic kidney disease will be confirmed by both of these tests. - 31975

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Dog Training Tips

By David Perron

When considering adding a new dog to the home, there are many factors to think about. When making this new addition, make sure to prepare for proper training and have the right tools on hand to make the transition easier for the puppy and yourself. While it's possible to train a dog yourself, for those without experience in dog ownership a dog training course with your puppy will be well worth the investment.

If you have heard horror stories from dog ownership, or viewed the show "It's Me or the Dog", make sure this doesn't become you. Whether a new dog, or one you own that has been running your house instead of you, then perhaps you are good candidates for dog training school. Often a dog will misbehave, not because it is a "bad" dog, but because of lack of training. Putting your pooch through a reputable training program will help make your relationship happy and peaceful.

What are the biggest reasons you should choose dog training school as opposed to doing it yourself?

Pet owners tend to get caught in a power struggle with the dog. Dog training includes learning the right body language and tone of voice, as well as a reward system for your dog that still leaves you in control. Owning a dog is like having a child, and sometimes some outside advice can be a lifesaver.

Dog obedience school will provide both puppies and grown dogs the chance to socialize with other canines. Learning to interact with other dogs properly is important when taking your dog out for a walk. Going through a course will also introduce the owner to other owners for the opportunity to develop friendships, and possibly even find a playgroup for your dog.

Dog owners that participate in a class with a formal setting will be taught commands in the premium environment. The instructor will be able to teach the owner to speak so the dog understands, and will be able to model body language needed to get results from your dog. There are tips that while simple, are often not well known to the general public. An instructor will be able to watch you work with your dog and to modify things that need work.

When working in a class setting, your dog will have the advantage of learning with distractions. This is an advantage, since once the dog goes home where there are not the distractions, the skill set should transfer easily. This works better than adding distractions after a skill is learned, where the distraction will actually make the dog forgetful.

By enrolling your dog in a dog training program, you are on the way to a long, satisfying friendship. A well trained dog will ultimately be more secure, well behaved and confident. Being able to trust his owner will give consistent results in behavior. Dogs will also be more predictable around visitors and children when the owner is in charge.

Once your dog is well trained, enjoy the benefits of pet ownership. Owning a dog will reduce your risks of illness, and provides a great outlet for exercise and social interaction as well. That will benefit you and your dog! - 31975

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Dog Training

By Dave Sam

Are you thinking about bringing home a new canine addition to the family? If so, you will want to make sure you are prepared for the proper training and tools necessary to make sure the addition transitions well. While you can opt to train your dog yourself, if you don't have experience it may be well worth taking a dog training course with your puppy.

If you have heard horror stories from dog ownership, or viewed the show "It's Me or the Dog", make sure this doesn't become you. Whether a new dog, or one you own that has been running your house instead of you, then perhaps you are good candidates for dog training school. Often a dog will misbehave, not because it is a "bad" dog, but because of lack of training. Putting your pooch through a reputable training program will help make your relationship happy and peaceful.

What are the biggest reasons to use a dog training program instead of trying it yourself?

Pet owners tend to get caught in a power struggle with the dog. Dog training includes learning the right body language and tone of voice, as well as a reward system for your dog that still leaves you in control. Owning a dog is like having a child, and sometimes some outside advice can be a lifesaver.

Dog obedience school provides young puppies and fully grown dogs the opportunity to socialize. Learning to interact with other canines is an important skill when you take your dog out. By going through a dog obedience course, owners will develop friendships for themselves and their dogs.

Dog owners that participate in a class with a formal setting will be taught commands in the premium environment. The instructor will be able to teach the owner to speak so the dog understands, and will be able to model body language needed to get results from your dog. There are tips that while simple, are often not well known to the general public. An instructor will be able to watch you work with your dog and to modify things that need work.

When working in a class setting, your dog will have the advantage of learning with distractions. This is an advantage, since once the dog goes home where there are not the distractions, the skill set should transfer easily. This works better than adding distractions after a skill is learned, where the distraction will actually make the dog forgetful.

Putting your dog through obedience school is the beginning of a long and satisfying relationship. Having a dog that is well trained results in one that is more secure, confident and well behaved. Trusting its owner and his expectations will result in consistent behavior. Dogs that have gone through obedience school are also safer around children and visitors, and it also prevents undesirable behaviors.

A dog that is trained well will allow you to fully enjoy the benefits of dog ownership. Dogs will also give fringe benefits as well - lower incidences of illness, a source of exercise, and an outlet for social interaction. This benefits both owner and dog! - 31975

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Your Dog's Misaligned Teeth

By Catherine V. Testaratti

There is a condition prone to puppies called malocclusion, which means that their bit does not fit right. This misalignment of the teeth is common and usually does not affect the dog's ability to eat. However, as the dog grows older, the condition can get worse or could correct itself.

Puppies have very sharp teeth and by the time they are 6 months old, they will have about 28 teeth. Into adulthood, your dog will have 42 teeth. Puppies are notorious for those sharp pointy teeth so it is best to monitor your small child's playtime with the puppy to avoid any accidents.

One of the side effects of this problem is that the dog might have problems picking up or chewing food. Best to have your vet check it out to assure you that your puppy does not run the risk of a fracture or wear on the teeth. Many times this condition has minimal effect with the dog eating.

While there are many breeds with this affliction naturally, the overbite and underbite are the most common malocclusion. Most dogs seem to be unaffected by this problem. The scissor bite is also most common, except in the flat nose breeds.

The scissor bite is not something that you will find in all dogs. Boxers, Shih Tzus and Lhasa Apsos are some of the most common of the flat nose breed. Something you need to know when you are purchasing a purebred dog from this family.

Smaller gaps in puppies can usually correct themselves. If a dog is older than 10 months, then the gap is already set and you will need to seek the help of your vet to correct it. If it were not affecting the dogs eating or picking up, then I would not worry.

Your dog's overbite may worsen as the permanent teeth come in because they are larger and can damage the soft parts of the mouth. Teeth extractions are sometimes necessary. Just check with your vet if you are concerned or notice that the dog is not eating.

Depending on the severity, you might just want to consult your vet for their opinion. I have heard of situation where puppies have been fitted with braces, but I do not think I am ready for that. What will they think of next; contact lenses?

Many dog owners consider their dog a big part of their family. Be sure that they are vaccinated regularly to keep them protected from disease. They deserve to live a long and happy life with the rest of the family. - 31975

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Dog Arthritis Medicines - what Are the Choices?

By Jennefer Poultson

Arthritis in dogs can be due to several different factors, particularly common are injuries, congenital defects and simply getting older, just as in humans. In dogs, even a minor injury can lead to arthritis later in life. The conditions to which some breeds of dogs are predisposed, such as hip dysplasia can also mean a predisposition to developing arthritis as the dog ages. Even dogs who have never suffered an injury in their lives may well develop arthritis as they age.

Dog arthritis comes in various forms. Just as in humans, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. A dog may develop arthritis anywhere that they have a joint. The cartilage in the joint may be inflamed or it may be synovial fluid which is at issue in some cases. The most common types of dog arthritis are osteoarthritis, infective, immune mediated and idiopathic arthritis.

Dog arthritis symptoms usually involve a gradual onset of limpness in the limbs. In other words, lameness will result to the point where the dog finds it difficult to walk. Most often a dog will also be less likely to be active in activities such as walks, playing, or even going up stairs. The stiffness of the limbs is likely to be more pronounced in the mornings or after long naps, but the stiffness often disappears through the day.

A dog afflicted with arthritis will tend to feel pain if their limbs are touched near to where the joint is inflamed. There is usually swelling as well, and you may be able to feel this.

Dogs with arthritis can be treated with medications which are available to help manage the inflammation. However, a lot of dog owners prefer to take a more natural route for the treatment of their pet's arthritis. In a lot of cases, these treatments are more effective for the animal. The most popular natural remedies for arthritis in dogs are Glucosamine and MSM. Many experts believe MSM, Glucosamine and Chondroitin to be the three essential ingredients in a dog arthritis treatment regimen.

Glucosamine is naturally occurring in the body (it is an amino sugar). The process of aging tends to reduce the body's capacity to produce this important sugar. Not found in any important food source, Glucosamine can be derived from the shells of shellfish. Its anti-inflammatory properties can be helpful in treating osteoarthritis both in humans and in animals.

In many cases, a change in diet may be sufficient to alleviate arthritis in dogs. Some arthritic conditions will respond to this step in conjunction with exercise. Obesity can be a factor in the development of arthritis, so by keeping the animal at a healthy weight, the aches and pains of arthritis can be taken away, as well as keeping the dog in a better overall state of health.

However, arthritis remedies of various sorts may be needed along with a change of diet in order to manage the pain and other symptoms of dog arthritis. - 31975

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Arthritis in Dogs

By Jennefer Poultson

Dog arthritis can be due to a number of causes, chief among them congenital abnormalities, injuries and of course, the effects of the aging process. Even minor injuries can result in arthritis in dogs. Certain conditions, such as hip dysplasia are more common in some dogs than others and this predisposition can also indicate a higher likelihood of arthritis in dogs. Of course, older dogs who have never suffered an injury may develop the ailment as they get older.

Dog arthritis comes in various forms. Just as in humans, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. A dog may develop arthritis anywhere that they have a joint. The cartilage in the joint may be inflamed or it may be synovial fluid which is at issue in some cases. The most common types of dog arthritis are osteoarthritis, infective, immune mediated and idiopathic arthritis.

Arthritis in dogs is usually first manifested as a slow and gradual limpness in the limbs. Lameness will be the result and may reach the point where the dog has a hard time walking. This will lead in most cases to the dog being less active in play, walks and even moving about the home. Stiffness is likely to be more severe in the morning or after a nap but the stiffness is often minimal in the daytime, however.

A dog with arthritis will also feel pain in the joints when you touch their limbs near the affected area. Another symptom may be swelling of the limb around the joint. This may not be visible to the naked eye, however.

Dogs with arthritis can be treated with medications which are available to help manage the inflammation. However, a lot of dog owners prefer to take a more natural route for the treatment of their pet's arthritis. In a lot of cases, these treatments are more effective for the animal. The most popular natural remedies for arthritis in dogs are Glucosamine and MSM. Many experts believe MSM, Glucosamine and Chondroitin to be the three essential ingredients in a dog arthritis treatment regimen.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that occurs naturally in the body. However, the ageing process is thought to diminish the body's ability to produce sufficient glucosamine for the body's needs. Glucosamine is not found in any primary food source, but is derived from the shell of shellfish. It has anti inflammatory properties that can be very effective in managing osteoarthritis in both humans and animals.

In many cases, a change in diet may be sufficient to alleviate arthritis in dogs. Some arthritic conditions will respond to this step in conjunction with exercise. Obesity can be a factor in the development of arthritis, so by keeping the animal at a healthy weight, the aches and pains of arthritis can be taken away, as well as keeping the dog in a better overall state of health.

However, arthritis remedies of various sorts may be needed along with a change of diet in order to manage the pain and other symptoms of dog arthritis. - 31975

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Glucosamine for Dogs

By Jennefer Poultson

Arthritis in dogs can be due to several different factors, particularly common are injuries, congenital defects and simply getting older, just as in humans. In dogs, even a minor injury can lead to arthritis later in life. The conditions to which some breeds of dogs are predisposed, such as hip dysplasia can also mean a predisposition to developing arthritis as the dog ages. Even dogs who have never suffered an injury in their lives may well develop arthritis as they age.

Dog arthritis comes in various forms. Just as in humans, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. A dog may develop arthritis anywhere that they have a joint. The cartilage in the joint may be inflamed or it may be synovial fluid which is at issue in some cases. The most common types of dog arthritis are osteoarthritis, infective, immune mediated and idiopathic arthritis.

Dog arthritis symptoms usually involve a gradual onset of limpness in the limbs. In other words, lameness will result to the point where the dog finds it difficult to walk. Most often a dog will also be less likely to be active in activities such as walks, playing, or even going up stairs. The stiffness of the limbs is likely to be more pronounced in the mornings or after long naps, but the stiffness often disappears through the day.

A dog afflicted with arthritis will tend to feel pain if their limbs are touched near to where the joint is inflamed. There is usually swelling as well, and you may be able to feel this.

Arthritis medicine is available for dogs who suffer from the condition ? this can treat the inflammation. Many dog owners instead opt for more natural methods of treatment for their pet, finding them more helpful in many cases. Glucosamine and MSM are two popular natural dog arthritis treatments (they are also used in humans with arthritis). A lot of experts in the field think that arthritis is best treated by a combination of MSM, Glucosamine and Chondroitin.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar which occurs naturally in the body ? but part of the effects of aging is the loss of the ability to produce enough of this sugar for the body's needs. Glucosamine is not found in any significant food source, but can be obtained from the shells of shellfish. The anti-inflammatory effects it offers are very useful in the treatment of arthritis, in humans and in animals alike.

In many cases, a change in diet may be sufficient to alleviate arthritis in dogs. Some arthritic conditions will respond to this step in conjunction with exercise. Obesity can be a factor in the development of arthritis, so by keeping the animal at a healthy weight, the aches and pains of arthritis can be taken away, as well as keeping the dog in a better overall state of health.

For some dogs, arthritis remedies must be used in conjunction with a change in the animal's diet to best treat the symptoms of dog arthritis. - 31975

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Hair Loss and Your Dog

By Catherine V. Testaratti

When your dog is experiencing minimal or extensive hair loss, it's best to have him checked for alopecia. This disorder is also known as hair loss and is common in dogs. Left untreated it can cause total hair loss and infection so early diagnosis and treatment is necessary.

Hair loss, or alopecia, can cause severe damage to your pet's lymphatic and immune system so it's best to detect it early. This disorder affects all breeds and size as well as gender so watch for it in all pets. Early detection can prevent extreme hair loss and alopecia can start slowly.

Excessive chewing and symmetrical patches of hair loss are early signs of this condition. The areas can get infected quickly so you need to be diligent in seeking treatment for you dog. Early detection can keep this disorder from spreading.

One of the most common causes of hair loss or alopecia is mange. We have all heard of mange which is caused by the mite Demodex. Regular bathing of your dog and thorough checking can help control this nasty disorder.

The varying types of alopecia can be the cause of a number of things. An inflamed hair follicle can result in many missing patches of hair. If your dog has a lot of hair loss it's important that you get him to the vet for testing. Prevention of this type of condition is not possible so it's best just to keep your dog's coat as clean as possible and watch for breakouts.

Treatments are usually some type of medicated topical shampoo or antibiotic treatment. Sometimes it is important to take a look at the hormone levels of the dog as well. After treatment is prescribed, it very important that you stay up on the medication and monitor the skin.

Reddening on the skin coupled with scaling and patchy hair loss could be a sign of ringworms. These are highly contagious so it's recommended that you wear gloves. A fungus like ringworms and bacterial infections are usually characteristic of this type of hair loss.

Dog's can experience hair loss or alopecia for a number of reasons. The type of loss and can vary from symmetrical to patchy. Many pet stores will have information in the pet dog supplies area if you need more information.

Examination is the best you can do to catch alopecia early and start treatment. Don't let this hair loss issue get out of control by not acting quickly with proper treatment. Your dog will thank you for it in the long run and you will thank yourself. - 31975

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Pet Health Insurance: Why It's So Important You Don't Ignore This Insurance

By Karen Thropter

The quantity of people that are showing an interest in pet health insurance is escalating. If truth be told, a recent survey demonstrated that one out of three American households own an animal of some sort.

The largest majority of pets were cats and dogs. These animals will benefit greatly from having their own pet health insurance to help them through their lifetime. This variety of insurance is in reality exceedingly reasonable in price.

Pet health insurance is paid in the same means that our health insurance is, on a month by month basis. These plans will help owners save an incredibly large amount on their pets expenses.

Presently, there are a substantial amount of persons that spend thousands of dollars every year just taking their animals to a regular vet visit. The decline of the economy has caused many folks to shy away from using vets at all.

Persons just feel that they cannot afford the further expense that comes along with taking your animal to the vet every time that they have an ailment.

In the past few years, there have been an immense amount of animals that have died because owners cannot afford to take them to a vet. The economy is not only causing financial hardship for individuals, but it is also causing hardship for our animals.

Upon enrolling your pet onto their very own pet health care plan you will save yourself lots of money. On the whole, the price of this insurance depends on the age and the health stature of your pet.

Having pet health insurance gives animal lovers a peace of mind that they never encompassed before. In the event that your animal is ever seriously hurt, or gets ill you won't have to think twice about taking them to the vet, once your pet is insured.

A lot of individuals avidly view their pets as a part of their families, almost like their children to an amount. Would you wish your child to suffer with ailments, and not be able to take them to the doctor? Then why would you want your pet to suffer with a problem that they may have?

There are many different plans that you can choose from for your animal. All of the plans are affordable and can easily fit into anyone's budget. - 31975

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Healthy Teeth Means Better Breath for Your Dog

By Catherine V. Testaratti

We all have experienced the dreaded "puppy breath" at some time or another. Well, doggy dental health is important from as early as your puppy to your adult dog. Brushing your dog's teeth will eliminate that stinky dog breath and make it minty fresh for doggy kisses.

Brushing your dog's teeth sounds almost ridiculous? Well, it's not and it is very important to the health of the dog just as it is to us dog owners. We don't want out dogs to suffer from any major dental issues so brushing weekly can lower the risk of problems.

Brushing your dog's teeth is easier than you think. I have yet to meet a spit and rinse dog so make sure that you purchase doggie toothpaste at the pet store. In the dog pet supplies section, you can also find toothbrushes or finger brushes.

Playing with our dogs by throwing sticks or balls for them to catch can result in broken or chipped teeth. Check your dog's teeth frequently and save yourself money on unnecessary vet bills. Exercise is important but so is your dog's health so being diligent with their care helps keep them around longer.

Unlike their human counterparts, there are no doggy dentists. If a tooth gets broken, it's more than likely going to have to come out. Unless you can find it early and get your dog to the vet so he can check it out and prevent an infection.

Broken teeth can cause infections in the mouth that can also lead to bad breath. Remember that when you are brushing your dog's teeth, that you check regularly for anything that doesn't look right. Act immediately to make sure that the infection gets under control quickly.

There are hundreds of toys on the market today for dogs of all sizes. Be sure that you use an item that is the right size for your four-legged friend when playing with her. Don't throw anything for her to catch that can hurt her or break a tooth.

If you are just not sure, it never hurts to hit the dog pet supplies section at your local vet or pet store. There are many safe items on the market that are also age appropriate so read the labels. Remember that dog's love to chew things up so avoid things with buttons or other items they can choke on.

Most of us have experience with a puppies sharp little needle teeth. As they grow, they will start chewing on anything in sight to relieve the pressure of the adult teeth coming through. Be sure to keep plenty of chew toys around for you pups chewing habits and throw away anything that poses a choking hazard. - 31975

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Animals, Fleas, Ticks and Worms

By Owen Jones

Fleas and other parasites need always to be given the highest priority by dog owners. The all too common incidences of flea bite allergy in the case of dogs causes worry to many dog owners every year. This is because flea bites can cause allergic reactions in the area bitten by the fleas. In these cases, the affected skin becomes hairless due to the dog scratching itself vigorously.

Heavy flea infestations can cause severe dermatitis in dogs, because the dog will scratch and scratch the area until he bleeds and can also introduce infection. If the flea bites cause an allergic reaction or even dermatitis in your dog, he/she really ought to be taken to the veterinary doctor as soon as possible, because usually, the dog will be experiencing extreme discomfort by this time.

The vet will provide a cream to ease the itching and powder or a spray to kill the fleas. Therefore, prevention is better and medicated collars are available to treat and prevent an infestation of external parasites like ticks and fleas.

Besides fleas, other parasites like ticks and lice in addition to the internal parasites like hook worms, round worms, whip worms etc. can affect the health of your dog. For example, if hookworm infects a dog, that dog will usually suffer from anaemia. The signs of anaemia become more evident depending on the degree of infection by the hookworm.

Hookworm larvae will enter directly through the skin and cause severe problems inside the infected dog. Such dogs may reveal cuts on the paws and on the skin due to dermatitis. Frequently, skin rashes result in such cases and the affected animal may also pass runny stools, which are tinged red with blood.

Most dogs and all puppies get round worms, which is why dogs can often be seen rubbing their bottoms along the floor. However, if round worms are present in large numbers, infected puppies show a pot belly, which is easily recognized by dog owners themselves. Piperazine salts are given orally for the treatment of this problem. However, broad-spectrum anthelmintics like pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole etc. are also given to treat this condition.

Many drugs have arrived on the market to treat fleas and other parasites, although nowadays, the medical agent called ivermectin seems to be preferred by many dog owners to clear up fleas and other parasites in dogs. This drug is available for injection or oral use and is now even available for external application too. - 31975

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What's Causing Your Dogs Phobias

By Catherine V. Testaratti

Our pets share the same instinct that we as humans have. We have an innate reaction to a threat that we have been born with. It's a flee, flight or fight reaction to a dangerous situation; real or perceived.

An automatic reaction to a fearful situation is a trait we are born with. Our dogs are the same and they experience some of the same reactions as we do. Abnormal behaviors displayed in your dog, over time, can be changed.

Your dog can exhibit symptoms of anxiety in ways such as excessive barking, uncontrollable urination or whining. These are triggered by either visible stresses or separation. The most common stress a dog experiences is separation anxiety.

Constant and unwarranted fear of a certain sound that can cause your dog to react such as fireworks or thunderstorm is considered a phobia. These are the most common fears that are associated with a phobia for dogs. They may have experienced something in the past and are associating that with a memory causing a response.

The older your dog gets the more he might experience anxiety to separation. Memory loss and loss of thinking can cause these reactions to being alone. Dogs between 12 and 36 months are beginning to socially develop which is when these anxieties typically will begin. Withdrawal or severe fear is normal in pups between 8 and 10 months.

Now we will talk about some symptoms associated with anxiety. Obsessive licking and biting themselves can be a sign of anxiety. If your dog is trembling, withdrawn or is tucking its tail then there it's possibly exhibiting signs of mild fear.

There are many reasons for the development of such phobias and anxieties in our pets. Being locked in a crate can cause a phobia or panic due to the inability to escape or get out. Also for puppies the lack of exposed to social interaction for the first-- weeks of their puppies' life can manifest a fearfulness in your puppy.

Some other factors that can cause these conditions are separation issues such as abandonment. Prior neglect or moving to a new home with a new owner can cause this anxiety for a dog. It's important to know that owners need to provide a secure, safe environment for their pets from the beginning.

Most dog's phobias and anxiety issues can be helped with medications and by modifying the behavior. However, medications can take up to 2 weeks for results and not all dogs will respond to modifications. Giving your dog a lot of love a happy home can be some of the best medicine. - 31975

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You Could Be Hurting Your Animals' Feelings!

By James French

Animal Communication can help pet owners in a number of ways. It will help you to understand and pick up vital information regarding your animals' health and happiness. Having the ability to feel an animal form their perspective allows us to move from placing our own thoughts and judgements on our animals. Making animal communication a must have tool if you truly care for animals.

Often we can completely miss-judge situation regarding our animals' behaviour. It is very easy for us people to see a situation and then jump to our own negative conclusions. I am sure that you will agree that there is nothing more hurt full and unfair than someone making judgements about you that are not true!

One of my clients had labelled her dog a bully with other dogs. This had been instigated by the owners observations that when her dog was around other younger or gentle dogs, she was snapping and showing signs of aggression towards them.

Her behaviour was completely different to nervous or protective dogs where she would leave them well alone.

With animal communication we soon discovered that she was not a bull at all. Far from it her problem was that she was afraid of intimacy! She was also very good at reading other dogs character and this is why she did not want anything to do with the nervous or protective dogs. She was actually desperate to make friends with other dogs and this was why she was choosing the younger and gentle dogs.

Her wanting to be close to dogs changed as soon as she got to close to them as an overwhelming feeling of shyness and protection took over her.

With this new insight and information it allowed us to create a whole new approach in helping her dog. We focused on keeping her relaxed and very slowly closed the gap between her and other dogs, giving her the time to overcome her shyness. Because she was so desperate to be close to other dogs this made the process easy as everyone was after a common goal.

When we connect with our animals and understand them it gives us the power to start helping them. If you are constantly asking yourself why they do the things that they do then this is possibly because you have not understood them fully!

Animal communication is very natural and does not take long to learn. With these skills you will be creating a trusting environment for both you and your animal, as you will understand each other more. It is the same for us humans, when we find someone who understands us we naturally listen to and trust them. Animal communication is the key to a deeper relationship. - 31975

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Plant Medicine For Your Pet's Health

By Catherine V. Testaratti

Today is all about natural herbal treatments for many ailments. How about those same herbal uses for our own pets. We are going to share some great herbal remedies for use with common ailments in our pets.

Aloe Vera has been used for treating burns, scrapes and cuts for years. We are now able to pass those cures onto our pets for the same injuries. Now this ancient old remedy can be used by our pets.

In addition, Aloe Vera will help your dog with gas or constipation. Mixing a small amount into your dog's food can help with internal issues of your dog. Externally, you can rub it on their coat and into their skin to heal the infected area.

The flower from the calendula herb can be used antifungal or anti-inflammatory but the majority of it usage is for cuts and wounds. You can also use this on wounds and cuts as well. This flower just keeps on providing us with medicinal uses as listed below.

The calendula herb's flower petals can be applied as a dressing for a wound. Additionally they can be made into a tea that will act as an antiseptic and for the prevention of bacteria. So many uses from one herb are truly a gift for both us and our pets.

Ginger has long been the remedy we all hear about with a cup of hot tea for a cold. The ginger root can be the cure for your pets upset stomach by making it into tincture or tea. The centuries old delicious cure for common colds is becoming common for your dogs too.

If that's not enough, then how about goldensel? This potent herb aids in the prevention of bacteria attaching to the walls of cells. How about those weepy eyes your dog has. Well, weep no more with goldenseal as a tincture or tea for washing their eyes.

Chamomile, California poppy and valerian are used as a cocktail to calm a hyper dog. Not only are they a calming agent for your dog, they can also lower his blood pressure or control asthma. Control those parasites and keep the blood pressure under control with a few drops of valerian along with tinctures, teas and extracts.

Using the above mentioned remedies for a healthier dog is not suggested as always without the consent of your veterinarian. Herbs are a great source of natural relief from aliments and will continue to cure many illnesses. Keep your happy pet healthy with our suggested remedies. - 31975

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Should You Invest In Dog Health Insurance?

By Lawrence Reaves

The relationships we share with our pets are often irreplaceable. Their companionship and constant presence can be both soothing and invigorating. Unfortunately, pets suffer health issues and occasionally require costly medical attention in the same way people do. When an emergency occurs and it becomes necessary to visit the veterinarian, many owners are stunned by the costs of performing tests and procedures. If they are unable to afford it, the alternative can be heartbreaking. Pet insurance was created to provide owners with an alternative.

Today's article will focus on how this unique breed of coverage works. We'll describe what you can expect after investing in a policy for your dog and how it can reduce the costs of veterinary care.

How It Can Reduce Veterinary Costs

Medical care for canines has come a long way over the past 20 years. Many procedures that are common today were not even possible a few decades ago. As a result, dogs can live longer, healthier lives and receive treatment for a variety of illnesses and disorders that would otherwise have deadly consequences. Of course, as with medical attention for people, the costs of veterinary care have skyrocketed.

For example, a condition called "bloat" (also referred to as gastric torsion) might cost more than $5,000 to treat. Because the condition is life-threatening, an owner who cannot afford treatment may be forced to euthanize his canine. Even a relatively minor leg fracture can cost several hundreds of dollars to set.

To be sure, performing tests and providing treatment for your pooch can be expensive. That is the reasons dog health insurance was created. It allows owners to invest in a policy that helps allay the high costs of veterinary treatment. If your dog becomes sick or is injured, the policy covers the expense.

It works in a similar manner as your health insurance policy. When you visit your veterinarian, he or she will present you with a bill covering the procedures that were performed on your canine. After you pay the bill, you would file a claim with your pet insurance provider. Your provider would then review your claim and send you a check to reimburse you for the treatment provided by the veterinarian.

Is It The Right Decision For You?

Only you can know whether your budget is able to accommodate the premiums attached to a dog health insurance policy. In truth, the premiums are usually slight, especially when compared to the amount of coverage a policy offers. Given that a large portion of veterinary care is attributed to unexpected circumstances (i.e. injuries, sudden onset of illness, etc.), it's an investment that every owner should at least consider.

The worst possible scenario is to find yourself in a situation that forces you to choose between absorbing a significant veterinarian bill or allowing your pooch to perish. A dog health insurance policy can help you avoid that tragic circumstance. - 31975

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Should You Invest In Dog Health Insurance?

By Lawrence Reaves

The relationships we share with our pets are often irreplaceable. Their companionship and constant presence can be both soothing and invigorating. Unfortunately, pets suffer health issues and occasionally require costly medical attention in the same way people do. When an emergency occurs and it becomes necessary to visit the veterinarian, many owners are stunned by the costs of performing tests and procedures. If they are unable to afford it, the alternative can be heartbreaking. Pet insurance was created to provide owners with an alternative.

Today's article will focus on how this unique breed of coverage works. We'll describe what you can expect after investing in a policy for your dog and how it can reduce the costs of veterinary care.

How It Can Reduce Veterinary Costs

Medical care for canines has come a long way over the past 20 years. Many procedures that are common today were not even possible a few decades ago. As a result, dogs can live longer, healthier lives and receive treatment for a variety of illnesses and disorders that would otherwise have deadly consequences. Of course, as with medical attention for people, the costs of veterinary care have skyrocketed.

For example, a condition called "bloat" (also referred to as gastric torsion) might cost more than $5,000 to treat. Because the condition is life-threatening, an owner who cannot afford treatment may be forced to euthanize his canine. Even a relatively minor leg fracture can cost several hundreds of dollars to set.

To be sure, performing tests and providing treatment for your pooch can be expensive. That is the reasons dog health insurance was created. It allows owners to invest in a policy that helps allay the high costs of veterinary treatment. If your dog becomes sick or is injured, the policy covers the expense.

It works in a similar manner as your health insurance policy. When you visit your veterinarian, he or she will present you with a bill covering the procedures that were performed on your canine. After you pay the bill, you would file a claim with your pet insurance provider. Your provider would then review your claim and send you a check to reimburse you for the treatment provided by the veterinarian.

Is It The Right Decision For You?

Only you can know whether your budget is able to accommodate the premiums attached to a dog health insurance policy. In truth, the premiums are usually slight, especially when compared to the amount of coverage a policy offers. Given that a large portion of veterinary care is attributed to unexpected circumstances (i.e. injuries, sudden onset of illness, etc.), it's an investment that every owner should at least consider.

The worst possible scenario is to find yourself in a situation that forces you to choose between absorbing a significant veterinarian bill or allowing your pooch to perish. A dog health insurance policy can help you avoid that tragic circumstance. - 31975

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The Easy Way To Getting Rid Of Your Pets Fleas

By Jeff Conner

Let's face it, your dog will eventually be infested with fleas. It might not happen today, it might not happen tomorrow, but it will always happen at some point. Here's a few tips to keep in mind for when that day does come.

The easiest way to spot fleas will be at the base of their tails and also behind their ears. For some reason that ear location is pretty popular amongst fleas, so keep an eye out for it. You can also try to keep an eye out for their droppings, which look like strange bits of dust/dirt and will probably accumulate near your dogs stomach

Even though there are a large number of different types of flea prevention products available from your VET I would suggest you to use a natural or "over the counter" flea product. A recent ASPCA warning has been issued to pet owners regarding the type of flea and tick treatment currently being used. There have been an alarming number of dogs becoming ill and dying! This leads to the entire industry being investigatedscrutinized, and rightfully so. Bear in mind that not only are the over-the-counter products safe but they usually are much cheaper as well!

Once your pet has had a bout with fleas or ticks, it's imperative that you maintain proper cleaning routines for both your car as well as your entire house. Flea larvae can live for up to a year semi-hidden in any of these places so it's important to try and get them while they're dormant. Focus on area in or around any open-space heaters (i.e. radiators) and in-between doorways. Above all, don't forget to also treat your pet's sleeping/bedding area as well, otherwise you'll run the risk of re-infestation.

Just because you keep your pets clean doesn't mean they are safe from fleas. These pests don't pay any attention to whether or not your favorite four-legged friend has a shiny new coat or even if they're a mangy looking mutt, to them it's just another meal. The bites that these fleas will leave cause extreme irritation to any dog, with some even developing an allergic reaction to the saliva they release with each bite. It's also important to note that fleas can also lead to tapeworms.

Flea infestations were once a thing of summers past. By that I mean they only came out when it was really hot outside. With the invention of indoor heating that sadly isn't the case anymore. Fleas are attracted by warmth and will gravitate towards any heating appliances you might have around the house. That is why it's important to pay special attention to cleaning any heaters or radiators you might have during the cold winter season.

After the baby flea eggs hatch the larvae stage can remain dormant for anything up to a year if the temp is not warm enough, before jumping onto the next passing host--perhaps your dog or worse you!--for a meal. Fleas do not live on the dog but simply use him as a source of food. They will live in your home and anywhere where the dog regularly goes, such as the car.

So now that you know everything there is to know about fleas and their intentions, what should you be doing to safeguard your pet's wellbeing? Its easy, just keep a clean house and you will not have to worry about any little bugs lurking around the next bedroom corner. - 31975

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